
What does the iPhone 13 look like after falling from the 20th floor?A surprising recording went to the network [video]

What does the iPhone 13 look like after falling from the 20th floor?A surprising recording went to the network [video]

iPhone 13 Pro after falling from the 20th floor [video]

A few weeks ago, the latest iPhone 13 PRO premiered.The phone manufactured by Apple, according to the available information, boasts high strength, which one of the Internet users decided to check.YouTuber dropped a new iPhone several times from the 20th floor straight to the concrete substrate.He also subjected a similar test to the famous Nokia 3310, which is stereotypically considered indestructible.Which phone has successfully passed this test?See for yourself!

The Internet user has enabled recording function on the Apple phone.The device was dropped down three times and each time the author of the film showed the view from the perspective of the falling iPhone 13 Pro.Although, as expected by the recording glass covering the rear, was completely destroyed, only a few minor damage appeared on the phone screen, and the device was still working.So it can be said that the iPhone successfully passed a fall in high altitude.

Nokia 3310 shattered into pieces

Jak wygląda iPhone 13 po upadku z 20. piętra? Zaskakujące nagranie trafiło do sieci [WIDEO]

The Internet user running the "Techrax" channel can now cause a lot of stir among viewers.Nokia 3310 famous for its strength ended its test after the first fall.The telephone of the Finnish manufacturer literally fell apart and there was not even a question of working.Thus, YouTuber overthrowed the belief of the indestructibility of this Nokia model among many.

Lekarze w szoku! Mężczyzna połknął... Nokię 3310 [ZDJĘCIA]W mediach społecznościowych pojawiły się zdjęcia Nokii 3310, którą wyjęto z ludzkiego żołądka. Jak tam trafiła i... co dalej? Już tłumaczymy.

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