Home ›MacBook Air M1 - Test.We answer readers' questions27.11.2020 23:21
There were questions, it's time to answer.As you remember, we asked you for suggestions on what tests to undergo a new MacBook Air M1.Here are the conclusions.
Unfortunately, what I hope understandable, it was not possible to solve all puzzles.I do not hide, mainly due to time restrictions.However, it seems that the image of the latest Apple equipment is slowly crystallizing.But to the point.
lordjahu: Czasy pracy na baterii - multimedia / biuro ?Przyjemność pisania - skok, uczucia - jakość, głośność klawiszy?Kąty widzenia - obróbka zdjęć / materiałów filmowych?Głośniki - jakość audio w filmach, muzyce ?Temperatura - podczas mocnego stresu, normalnej pracy, spoczynek?The battery is, let's not be afraid of the word, phenomenal.With the brightness of the screen in the middle of the scale and the Wi-Fi enabled, the Internet can be viewed about 14 hours.Working offline with documents, this time is extended.
The keyboard is a scissor structure.It was similar in the previous MBA model.It is louder than the butterfly keyboard used earlier, but it does not jam and has a slightly higher jump, which in my opinion is a change.Personally, however, I would still not compile it in TOP5, even just because of SKOK.Then barely minimal.
The matrix and speakers are also nothing new, so here the old pros and cons of remaining.The screen has a great color reproduction, but due to the shiny surface it can be annoying with high irradiation, which also affects the angle of the view.By tilting from the vertical plane, faster than distorting in colors you will see reflections.Speakers - in this dimensional class without allegations;Clean, with good separation, but minimal bass.
The processor temperature in idle is ok.42 ° C, under load - 80 ° C.Nevertheless, the housing itself does not heat up for a moment to tease the burning Palmrest.
TreWorek: Mnie ciekawi czy pójdzie na nim Blender i jaka jest wydajność renderingu. Dodatkowo fajnie byłoby zobaczyć testy Cinebench R20.Yes, the blender walks, and it is surprisingly good.The popular BMW benchmark consumes 7 minutes, which is a result comparable to desktop Core i5 9.generation.
Going to Cinebench, the Apple M1 chip is native to the R23 version.After 10 minutes of heating, the new MacBook Air scores 6595 points.In the screenshot below you can see how it applies to other configurations.
witcher13k: Działanie Android Studio i szybkość budowania aplikacji. Testowanie tego nie jest takie łatwe że względu na tworzenie się cache Gradle - każdy kolejny build będzie szybszy.Well, Android Studio is one of those tools with which the translation layer copes rather badly.The interface goes like a fly in tar, unless the system does not beat the process unexpectedly.In addition, you can forget about the emulators.At this point, any deeper tests in this environment do not make sense.
Qrupnik: Mam pytanie o działanie bezprzewodowych zestawów słuchawkowych z własnym nadajnikiem (nie Bluetooth) np Logitech. Niektóre modele mają całkiem rozbudowane oprogramowanie do konfiguracji, czy to też działa?In addition to virtualization and development tools, drivers are a potential problem number three.It is impossible to find out with full conviction whether the accessory will work or not, but during the tests I had more problems with it than successes.
In the case of a Samsung T7 touch portable disk, the accompanying application did not deign, similarly - Logitech MX Master 3 mice.Meanwhile, the HP Laser 107W printer can only be connected to Wi-Fi.In turn, Samsung Sidesync, in turn, worked without any problems.
Anonim: Mnie bardzo ciekawi czy pójdą na nim simsy 4 :D podobno na nowych macbookach można graćYou can play, but a curiosity is associated with it.I checked a few games, including "Tomb Raider", "Civilization VI" and "Football Manager".While the games themselves walk nothing, the Steam application behaves strangely, whose interface clearly cut when scrolling.He also has moments when he must think.
Below benchmark TR in a resolution of 1280 x 800 px.The performance of integrated graphics, as you can see, positively surprises.Once again - you can play.
necavi: Czy M1 pozwoli zainstalować i uruchomić Boinca np. zadania Primegrid?One is a binc, the other - projects.Customer version 7.16.13 Installs and starts without any problems.Most of the projects are waiting to be overcome.Perhaps that is why a chip behaves strangely, which does not want to go to the highest energy condition.
Ickam: Jak wypada transkodowanie np z h.265 10-bit, do bardziej kompatybilnego h.264?[quote]Hashi: Wydajność w dekodowaniu 4K HDR@60fps (tak minimum 200mbps).
After all, I can say with a clear conscience that the MacBook from M1 is the best MacBook to play with the video material that was created.
Anonim: Czy można uruchomić MS Word ale w wersji Ipadowej?Can not.Indeed, the MacBook M1 allows you to launch applications from iPhone and iPad, but only those that do not duplicate with computer versions.Dubles are not available in the App Store.I think, the idea is for the developer to prepare a full -fledged compilation for ARM, and not use a cut smartphone or tablet version.
I will be controversial, but in my opinion it is a reasonable approach.The creators of the software have repeatedly proved that they like to take shortcuts.Apple keeps them in check.
Pharun: Funkcjonowanie sztandarowych aplikacji - MS Office i PhotoshopBoth MS Office and Photoshop already have beta native for ARM.And these versions just work.As for the Rosetta layers, the Microsoft package starts even several dozen seconds the first time, but later it works briskly and respectively.The next starts are of course much faster, but still not like Mac from x86.
Anonim: Ile kart chrome da radę otworzyć?At 20, in parallel with basic tools such as Teams or Slack, there is no minimal impact on the comfort of using the equipment.However, I didn't try to beat the record.Anyway, it is better for a slim miniature than good.
Let's add, Chrome has a native version for Apple M1.A big plus for good memory management.
Fhj: Dawno nie było nic o Pornhubie, co jest?Yes, MacBook Air M1 easily copes with video embedded on websites.Also those for adults.You can easily buy.I recommend ;)