
iPhone 4, i.e. the source of the image crisis, which was charged masterfully [journey in time]

iPhone 4, i.e. the source of the image crisis, which was charged masterfully [journey in time]

March 18, 2010.Gray Powell, one of Apple engineers, celebrated his birthday in one of the California bars.The party is apparently successful, because when the 27-year-old returns home, he leaves his phone on the table.However, this is not an ordinary phone.

Zguba zostaje znaleziona przez innego klienta baru, który — nie mogąc się doczekać powrotu właściciela — postanawia zabrać smartfon do domu. Urządzenie wygląda jak najnowszy wówczas iPhone 3GS, ale szybko wychodzi na jaw, że plastikowa skorupa jest tylko obudową maskującą szklano-metalową kanapkę.

The finder's testimony shows that the software worked unstable, and the next morning the memory of the smartphone was completely cleaned.Combining this with strange code markings covering the housing, the 20-year-old understood that something special was in his hands.

The finder reportedly tried to contact Apple, but no one on the hotline took him seriously.Some time later, the editors of Gizodo offered him to buy back the phone for $ 5,000.And so here on April 19, 2010, the loud text appeared in the website "Here is another Apple iPhone" containing a rich photo gallery of an uncomposed smartphone.

The premiere of the iPhone 4 took place over two months later

Podczas prezentacji Steve Jobs starał się obrócić wszystko w żart zapowiadając, że zaraz pokaże coś, co niektórzy mogli już widzieć. Nietrudno się jednak domyślić, że do śmiechu mu wcale nie było. Koniec końców iPhone 4 to — wyjąwszy pierwszego przedstawiciela serii i model X - prawdopodobnie najbardziej przełomowy telefon w historii Apple'a.

The iPhone 4 delighted with its design.After two generations of plastic phones, it was the turn of the model made of glass and metal.In this respect, the Apple smartphone overtook its times for a good 5-6 years.

iPhone 4, czyli źródło wizerunkowego kryzysu, który zażegnano po mistrzowsku [Podróż w czasie]

By the way, the device measuring 9.3 mm thick was on the day of the premiere of the most quiet smartphone in the world.

Kolejna istotna nowość to ekran Retina

The iPhone 4 could boast of a screen with a record density of 330 pixels per inch.Steve Jobs argued that the sharpness is so high that individual pixels cannot be seen during normal use.

Twierdził on także, że ekran Retina wyprzedza dokonania konkurencji o lata i — jak wiemy — miał rację. Przykładowo w portfolio flagowców Samsunga ekran o wyższej ostrości miał dopiero Galaxy S4 z 2013 roku.

iPhone 4 był też pierwszym telefonem z funkcją FaceTime

More precisely, it was also the first Apple smartphone with a front camera in general.However, the company decided to use it not only to take a selfie.The first violin was playing the guy.

The new feature allowed for establishing free video compatches between users of Apple devices.To this day, it remains one of the company's most popular services.

Czekając na biel

iPhone 4 został zapowiedziany w czarnej oraz białej wersji kolorystycznej. Premiera drugiego była jednak nieustannie przekładana, gdyż — jak tłumaczyli przedstawiciele firmy — nastąpiły trudności ze znalezieniem materiałów o satysfakcjonującej wytrzymałości.

Ultimately, the white variant went on sale in April 2011, i.e. 10 months after the premiere.

iPhone 4 was the source of one of the biggest image problems in the history of Apple

As you can see, at this stage the iPhone 4 caused Apple to have considerable problems.However, the worst was just coming.

It was the first smartphone in the world in which the metal frame served as a two -piece antenna.In theory, this was supposed to improve the range, but the effect was the opposite of the intended one.

It quickly came to light that after putting the finger to a small gap between the two parts of the antenna, the signal quality was decreased.In extreme cases, the voice connection was completely broken when the user improperly grabbed the phone.

When a loud scandal broke out, named by the media antennagate, Steve Jobs was on vacation with his family.The then head of Apple interrupted vacation and for two days discussed with the staff of experts about the ways in which the fire could be extinguished.

Ultimately, Jobs organized a special press conference, during which he gave the famous "We are not perfect, phones are not perfect" and tried to prove that the problem with the antenna concerns many popular smartphones.At the same time, he announced that every purchaser of the iPhone 4 can report for a free housing (so -called bumper) to prevent antenna contact with the skin or return the phone within 30 days.The whole event began with the broadcast of the YouTube song making fun of Apple's slip -up.

W ramach ciekawostki warto dodać, że — jak można się dowiedzieć z biografii autorstwa Waltera Isaacsona — Jobs polecił swojemu nastoletniemu synowi udział w spotkaniach ze sztabem ekspertów. Twierdził, że spędzając dwa dni z "najlepszymi ludźmi na świecie", którzy podejmują "naprawdę trudne decyzje", nauczy się "więcej niż przez dwa lata w szkole biznesu".

Apple found himself in a really difficult situation, but he left it without much improp.The message of Jobs's speech was clear: we were not the one, this technology is imperfect, and the happiness of customers is the most important."If the iPhone 4 does not make you happy, we will return the money," said Jobs.

To this day, Apple's movement is often quoted as a flagship example of an exemplary resolving the image crisis.We can be sure that they will teach marketing in schools for a long time.

See more articles from the series: Travel in time

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