Nikt nie spodziewał się większych innowacji po Apple w tym roku i, zgodnie z przewidywaniami, mamy raczej do czynienia z ewolucyjnym rozwinięciem modeli zeszłorocznych. iPhone 13 Pro na pierwszy rzut oka różni się od poprzednika powiększoną wyspą z aparatami oraz dostępnym nowym kolorem o wdzięcznej nazwie Sierra Blue, czyli jak powiada moja żona (kimże jestem, by się z nią sprzeczać?), lazurowoszary. Reszta nowości jest pod maską.
I open the box
Apple gave up packing its products in foil and of course we will not find it outside or inside.To get to the contents.
Inside, scantily: phone with a protected paper sticker, USB-C cable → Lightning and a luxurious fig with poppy seed.I could even get irritated if it wasn't for the fact that most producers have done so recently and the test Galaxy from Fold 3 was equally poor.
ReklamaThe new Sierra Blue color looks live as well as in the presentation and in every light, regardless of whether the phone is in the case or not.I admit that after the experience with the iPhone 11 Pro, whose color Midnight Green looked good only in a good light and without a case I was a bit afraid of it - as it turns out, unnecessary.The steel shiny frame also looks good, but it catches fingerprints terribly and it is slippery - I think I would prefer a matte variant, less effective, but more practical.
Of course, it is impossible to assess the appearance of the new iPhone 13 PRO indifferently next to the island with cameras.She retained its schedule, but it is much larger and thicker than that of my iPhone 11 Pro - the size of the optics has also changed, and all old cases of course stopped fitting.
Despite this, however, you cannot deny the appearance of the iPhone 13 pro elegance, taste and ... consistency.I had a similar impression during Xperia 1 III tests - maybe I just get old and stopped likeing changes for the changes?:)
I did not pay the slightest attention to the size of the notch.Yes, it is smaller, I am aware of it, but during use, nothing is for me, for now.
Bug is great
Each new iPhone can be prepared for work as a new device or copy data from the previous one, using a computer, backup from the Icloud cloud or simply straight from the predecessor next to the predecessor.I used the last variant - the procedure lasted about 30 minutes, during it I had to re -add cards to Apple Pay (they cannot be copied, because the tokens are stored in a secured element).The ESIM card (for a similar reason) did not move, so it was to launch the Orange Flex application and perform a free card replacement and installation procedure, which lasted about a minute.
Still, it was no longer so pink - paired with the predecessor of Apple Watch 6 for the cholera did not want to move to a new device, despite non -parliamentary words directed towards Timkuk et Consortes.The matter was only solved by reset with AW to the factory state and pairing it with a new phone - fortunately, everything was uploaded from the backup, except for Apple Pay cards, which also had to be authorized again here.
So that the user's happiness (i.e. mine) would not be too great, another bug was soon revealed: it was not working with the phone with a watch and a watch by phone.The problem was of course revealed in the store, because actually, why not?
In any case, it was not solved by the published amendment 0-day, but I expect that when I collect myself to write the right review it will be after the problem.
One of the main novelties in the iPhone 13 Pro is the promotion screen, i.e. the screen refreshed at a speed of up to 120 Hz.I must admit that it is impressive - more or less as he did in Xperia 1 III.This is where I probably saw the best effect in Android devices so far - I don't know what it is about, but it's probably not a coincidence, since Paweł had a similar impression when playing Xperia 5 III.
In any case, iOS in 120 Hz looks like it should look a long time ago, and I say it with full awareness of a person for whom fast refreshment was never the most important thing.I will not be surprised if it is the display that will be one of the arguments raised as the justification for the purchase of a new iPhone, especially when Apple will deal with the next bug, which in places limits refreshment to 60 Hz.
Underneath, of course, it is very, very efficient.The new A15 processor does a job, although the amount of RAM looks funny compared to Android.Time to make benchmarks will of course, but the impression is amazing - probably none of the smartphones with Snapdragon 888 did similar.
"If I play the guitar to you, your eyes will come out on top"
iPhone 13 Pro, of course, has no mini-jack, there is also no adapter for connecting cable headphones.Instead, he has speakers that ho ho.It is loud and clear, there is some bass and there is a spatial effect obtained with Dolby Atmos.I will not claim that this is the best set of speakers in smartphones, but if I write that certainly one of the best, I will not be mistaken.
The sound quality on the headphones, of course, depends mainly on themselves (with a wireless connection), possibly on the connected DAC wired.Apple Music currently has a lot to offer on the iPhone.
This year, Apple resigned from the differentiation of cameras between the Pro and Pro Max versions, and it undoubtedly came out the PRO version for good, especially since a stabilized matrix appeared in the main apparatus, not only the lens.I do not have a good comparison of the quality of photos with the 12 Pro version, but the difference compared to 11 PRO is very large.
Pictures in poor conditions are less noisy, just like night mode.I tested the latter at night at home, when the only light source was a slight glow from behind the window - without night frame mode was all black, in night mode with an extended up to 10 seconds the exhibition managed to get quite readable, though soft photo.It is impressive, I do not remember that I would ever see similar fitness in another smartphone.
However, the macro mode looks irritating, switching to the photos close to the camera..It has a smaller minimum sharpening distance, but the background has a clearly changed perspective, appropriate for a very wide angle.Fortunately, if I'm not mistaken, the automatic switching option will appear in the near future.For now, it is worth having in such situations other than the company application photo at hand - for example Halide.
I am also happy to replace the standard lens with a 52 mm short 77 mm telephoto lens - it is an ideal bonfire for a portrait, as you can see capable of natural, not only simulated bokeh.
I attach a few photos taken during the last day.I am ahead of me, of course, collecting a wider material, I am also interested in the actual usefulness of the proraw mode, which I completely failed to touch for the first hours of use of the iPhone 13 Pro.
Also, the attempts to film in cinema mode looked interesting, I know too little in the subject to comment on it more widely at the moment, but if the phone really can comprehend the sensible following focus, it can be a very interesting function for unprofessionalists for unprofessions.
The first impression is positive.I unhooked the iPhone 13 Pro from the charger at 21:30 on Friday, when I write it is Saturday 18:30 - the battery now shows 51%, and the phone had what to do during this time, as for the first days of starting.When this work cycle ends, I will be able to provide a little more data, but it promises to be better battery strength than in 11 Pro, and therefore in 12 Pro, which was worse than its predecessor - all this despite the promotion screen.
As promised, a small update: for two copies 24 hours after disconnecting from the charger, the battery states are 54 % and 43 %, respectively.In both cases, Sot was about 4 hours, with a browser and Facebook for the first main energy eater, and for the second camera and Apple Music.
At the end
I bypassed the iPhone 12 Pro, discouraged by a small number of changes in relation to its predecessor and worse camera than the max version.Apple has abandoned this miscarried idea and even thanks to this, although we are dealing with another development of known solutions, the iPhone 13 Pro is a much more interesting proposition than its predecessor.Taking into account the new, perfect -looking color and screen 120 Hz, I don't think I would regret the change.
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