Google zaimplementowało do swojego asystenta głosowego wsparcie dla języka polskiego, a aplikacja Google Assistant pojawiła się w polskim App Store. Co ważne, z jej możliwości można skorzystać za pośrednictwem Siri. Wszystko za sprawą udostępnionego wraz z iOS 12 API.
Using Google Assistant from the iPhone or iPad is not as convenient as it is on Android devices.Apple's policy means that we cannot change Siri into Alexa, Bixby or Google solution.Nevertheless, due to support for the Polish language, which is lacking in the Apple assistant, attempts to avoid the abovementioned restrictions may be worth the candle.
After downloading from the App Store Google Assistant, open it, and the next click on the icon in the lower right corner.We will see here a message about the possibility of adding Google assistant to Siri.After selecting the appropriate option, we will be able to record a message - for example "OK Google" - which will allow you to quickly open the application.
After confirming the recording, Siri will allow Google Assistant to open and use the assistant in Polish.It is enough that after the activation of the Apple assistant we will say the appropriate command.Of course, this is not an ideal solution, but it makes the whole process a bit easier...and makes it easier to wait for the appearance of new functions in Siri and support for the Polish language.