Huawei has officially turned its back on Android offered by Google. The last smartphones with access to Google services work under the control of Android 10 from 2019 with the EMUI 11 overlay. The manufacturer...
SPIDER'S WEBTechnologiesTechSoftwareHow to install applications on Huawei smartphones without Google Play?Users can download applications themselves from the manufacturer's website or transfer programs from other...
Some users of smartphones and other Android devices have a problem with the Google Play store.It does not download the application update or themselves.I also had this problem myself.I know...
Huawei has been developing HMS, or Huawei Mobile Services for two years, and I have been using HMS smartphones for 1.5 years.Is this a big problem for the user?Many will tell you that yes, and I will tell you that it is not like that at all ...
The best applications for Android, iPhone and iPad chess app.
May 17, 2021, 07:00, the dispute about Huawei has had a technological and political dimension for several years.The tarnished reputation of the Chinese concern makes you ask questions to which ...
It's time to check in practice what Huawei has come to in recent months.We'll look at HMS, or Huawei Mobile Services.This is a set of services for the ecosystem of mobile devices, which is used by M ...
The HMS, proprietary Ecosystem Ecosystem of Huawei, is primarily an accelerated development of the proprietary store with Appgalllery applications and alternative program downloads ...
Karolina Modzelewska • Long ago • 2 Comments when selling an old smartphone or lending it to another person, it is worth asking for your private data.Before the equipment gets into the hands of another person, they are recommended permanently ...
Why even remove unnecessary programs? There are two goals: releasing space in memory and potential acceleration of the phone.The first of them is obvious and easy to achieve - removing the prog ...
Google really wants us to use Google Lens (Google lens).Right, because searching with an image from the phone camera is a powerful tool, but many users do not know that they have such a possibility at all ...
Most of us have at least one e-mail account.We also have accounts that we don't remember.What happens to them when we don't use them?We can lose the entire contents accumulated there ...
An unidentified error has crept into the Google application on Android, which results in the continuous display of the message "Google is still ceasing to work".The problem concerns many users all over ...
I keep these applications on the first smartphone desktop and I always install them at the beginning.There is no support?Thank you for such a phone. Most of the Android and iOS applications only amusing for a moment ... on c ...
Cleaning the cache (so -called cache) it is also worth paying attention to the application of the application.It saves files that are opened when using the application, for example, review ...