Home ›Huawei Mobile Services, i.e. everything your smartphone needs.10.2021 06:35
Why have Poles so willingly decide to buy Huawei smartphones for years?For a simple reason: they have a very good value for money.And for two years they also offer their own, better functioning ecosystem called Huawei Mobile Services (HMS), which in the package with the smartphone itself provides a set of necessary applications and services.
Huawei is one of the largest consumer electronics producers in Poland and in the world.The company is aware of this and has been developing its own self -sufficient ecosystem of the most important applications and services for a long time, without forgetting about our country.
Huawei Mobile Services = two years of dynamic development
Just two years ago, when the HMS system was just crawling, one could understand some malcontents who complained that the competition could offer more.Today, however, the voices of malcontents are silent, and Huawei smartphones appear as attractive and consistent in terms of software alternative to often more expensive, and poorer in the functions of competition models.
HMS in impressive numbers.And it is still growing!
In March last year, i.e. exactly 1.5 years ago, Huawei could boast of the fact that over 650 million users from over 170 countries in the world used HMS on a monthly basis.Even then, over 50,000 applications from external manufacturers were integrated with this ecosystem, and the number of their downloads oscillated around 180 billion.
It's still less than competition, but we're talking about a system that is only developed for just two years, so let's give it time to develop his wings even more.At this pace, Huawei will not only catch up, but will also outrugate the competition.
Id Huawei, cloud, appgallers - everything your smartphone needs
Let's explain the basic terminology: HMS Core 4.0 This is the abbreviation for the full name of the Huawei Mobile Services ecosystem (Core 4 note.0 simply means its fourth installment);ID Huawei, in turn, is our personal "digital key", enabling safe access to the most important HMS functions.
He adopted the form of an individual user account, which cares for the synchronization of our applications and services, which is done through the cloud.Thanks to this, we can be calm about the security of our data.
In addition, the cloud allows you to create an automatically updating backup of our data, so we will never have to worry about their security - also in the case of unhappy loss of the device.
The lost smartphone is easy to track and recover
The Huawei ID function will also be invaluable when we lose our smartphone - thanks to it we will locate it on the map integrated with the system, which will help us track and recover it.Ultimately, in extreme cases (when we find even a thief) such a lost device can be refined remotely so that our personal information does not get into the wrong hands.
Appgallery - original software center
These types of examples could be multiplied, while what the owners of Huawei smartphones have been waiting for the most is Appgallery, i.e. nothing but original, integrated with the HMS Platform ecosystem, offering access to countless games, programs and applications.
At the time of this text, we will find over 750,000 applications from world manufacturers, including the most important from the point of view of a statistical user.Tiktok, VLC Media Player, Tinder, Snapchat, Booking.com, bolt or telegram popular in recent months - they are all there.
To this, of course, you should add the entire package of basic native applications, designed especially for Huawei devices, such as the Petalsearch intelligent web browser, multimedia content player, personal assistant, notes, calendar, maps (including navigation) and many, many others.All these pre -installed apps + gigantic Appgallery content are available to Huawei smartphone users.
The data provided at the beginning of March this year shows that the Appgalllery applications have already been downloaded over 350 billion times, and the virtual store with Huawei applications has 530 million active users.
Over 1.5 million software developers work on subsequent applications integrated with the HMS HMS operating system and the HMS ecosystem, which gives you hope for a rapid increase, and so high, numbers about Appgallery.
What about Poland?
W AppGallery już teraz znajdziemy 1700 aplikacji przeznaczonych wyłącznie na nasz rynek. Spośród tych najważniejszych i najpopularniejszych wymienić można z pewnością apki takie jak: Allegro, Żabka, Ceneo, InPostMobile, Pyszne.pl czy najlepszego przyjaciela każdego kierowcy: Yanosik.And when there is no application for us yet in the Appgallery, we will download most of them directly to our phone thanks to the said browser Petalsearch.
Interestingly, among Polish applications available in Appgalllery there are also no complex bank applications complicated in terms of advancement and security.Currently, we will find seven items that were taken care of by PKO BP, Millennium, mBank, Credit Agricole, Noble Bank, Getin and Alior Bank banks.In each of them we will pay BLIK quickly and conveniently, and soon their users will receive the awaited service of proximity payments.
Huawei Mobile Services - what more could you want?
After two years of hard work on the original Huawei ecosystem, many users of this manufacturer ask themselves a question similar to the above.The software is already available under HMS - colloquially saying - "gives advice".So there is nothing else for us to wait, what Huawei will surprise us in the coming months and years.For now, the company has done at least five.
Artykuł poleca Huawei