Home ›Facebook and 2FA.Our reader lost access to the account and Facebook spreads his hands12.12.2020 08:23
The problem with logging on your own Facebook account can become the subject of discussions lasting up to several weeks.Discussions, which - as it turns out - unfortunately does not lead to any solution.This is how we could summarize the "adventures" of our reader Rafał, who in November reported to the editor with an unusual problem regarding logging in to the title social network.It was about logging in using two -component authentication.
Mr. Rafał has a Facebook account and when he and the partner decided to set up a company profile, for security (after the suggestion of Facebook himself) he decided to additionally secure the account, including 2FA.- I decided on an external application for generating codes - explains Mr. Rafał.- My choice fell on Google Authenticator, which I installed on my phone.From Facebook, I also received a list of codes that I could use in the absence of access to the application.At this stage, everything worked without a problem.
However, the trouble began later.Mr. Rafał's smartphone was damaged and he had to go to the site.Cautiously, our reader took care of the archiving of the data and restoring the factory settings of the device, but he was inadvertently forgotten about the Google Authenticator application.- Unfortunately, the list with codes has been getting somewhere - Mr. Rafał does not hide his fault.- I realized it after the phone failure - he adds.
Facebook can't help...
Inevitably, from that moment our reader lost the possibility of logging in to Facebook.Mr. Rafał decided to contact the service to try to recover access.The hope was a company account run with a partner who can still log in to Facebook.
- of course without codes from the application or from the list I was not able to log in to Facebook.I also didn't have trusted devices or trusted contacts.I started looking for contact with the help department - explains our reader.- However, on the official website the only available help is a few articles that did not solve my problem.There is no contact with FB employees, unless someone is an advertiser with them.And because we were advertisers, so when I contact the partner's account, I was able to write and even talk to the advertisers' assistance department by phone - he adds.
In practice, however, these conversations did not help much.Mr. Rafał was repeatedly referred to the next forms, but this contact path did not bring any results.- When I talked to the help of a partner Messenger, I received a link to the form.However, after sending it, I did not receive any answer.Just like after completing other forms that I sent a lot - he explains.
In the e -mail correspondence, however, we managed to get a response from Facebook Concierge Support."I understand your concern about the matter and the desire to resolve this situation, but as I have already mentioned, we do not have any other intervention tools in this case" - explained a technical assistance employee in one message."I am very sorry that all the solutions we offer have failed and we are not able to provide you with further help.Once again, I will recommend direct contact with Google Authenticator App, because such information on.I received solutions by consulting your application ".
Using 2-Step Verification
Facebook admitted that he is unable to help and recommends contact with Google.The creators of the Authenticator application, however, do not have the technical possibility of help, because reproducing "communication" between the service and the now defunct installation of the application in a specific smartphone is simply impossible.- I was also looking for help on forums and in various publications.However, the only thing I found there was the statement that the case is hopeless - complains Mr. Rafał.
Interestingly, however, while recognizing the topic, he reached the same problem of another person who was finally contacted with a Facebook employee and the problem was solved.Everything indicates, however, that these were actions outside the official path of solutions to the described situation.As a result, Mr. Rafał is in a dot.
...and there is nothing more to say
Our reader had the described talks with Facebook before November.When he contacted the editors, presenting his login problem, of course, we immediately attempted to contact the Facebook PR agency to find out more.Is it possible to help Mr. Rafał somehow?How should other people with a similar problem behave?Is it even possible to recover access to your account in such a situation?
Unfortunately, to our surprise, despite waiting for the answers of over 5 weeks and recalling repeatedly with the topic, we did not get any answer from Facebook.It is hard not to be impressed that the topic is troublesome and the solution is unclear.As a result, however, no answer is no help for our reader.
Two -component authentication must be refined
The case of Mr. Rafał shows that contemporary security security for services or applications should be refined to meet the needs of users.Although in the described case, our reader is guilty of the fuss, who was powdering a list of spare codes, no one would probably expect that in practice there is no other way of recovering access to the account, and conversations with Facebook in this respect will take place so slimmer.
So it turns out that Mr. Rafał's account must "abyss", but these are only guess.
Interestingly, the problem can be easily solved, at least partly-in addition to emergency codes, you can suggest the possibility of configuring an alternative access path, for example with the help of an e-mail or code with an SMS, but the latter is currently on Facebook only an alternative to applicationGoogle Authenticator.