2019-10-01 09:30publikacja2019-10-01 09:30 Wykonywanie połączeń głosowych i SMS-ów na wysokopłatne numery premium, a także instalowanie oprogramowania szpiegującego. Na to wszystko może pozwolić hakerom odebranie przez nas odpowiednio spreparowanego SMS-a. Hakerzy znaleźli nową metodę wyłudzania danych i pieniędzy - WIBattack. To become a victim of the Wibattack attack, all you have to do is pick up an SMS sent by a hacker.The virus contained in the message will then attack the WIB (Wireless Internet Browser) application, which can have up to several hundred million phones. In the opinion of specialists in cyber security with Ginno Security Labs hackers, thanks to the Wibattack method, they are able to locate the phone user, make voice calls and send SMSs, also to high-paid premium numbers. However, it may not end there.The Wibattack method allows hackers to connect an infected phone with a properly crafted website containing further harmful software that allows even deeper surveillance of the attacked user. Wibattack is another attempt to attack our smartphones through false SMSs.In mid -September, researchers from the Adaptivemobile Security group detected the Simjacker method using the gap in telephone security and allowing SIM cards to attack.At that time, even one billion users were at risk of attack - also older phones. MkazZobacz także
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